Do I Need a PCT Course?

Yes, we recommend following any SARMs cycle with a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to restore your hormone levels. A PCT is especially important if you experience side effects like gynecomastia (man boobs) during a steroid or prohormone cycle, which is often due to low testosterone levels. When estrogen levels rise more rapidly than testosterone, it can lead to hormonal imbalances that persist even after stopping the cycle.

Why You Need a PCT

A well-structured PCT helps normalize testosterone levels and prevent estrogen from continuing to increase. It’s always safer to complete a PCT course after a SARMs cycle, as it helps your body recover more efficiently than if you took no action at all.

Signs You May Need a PCT

  • High Estrogen Levels: Symptoms include gynecomastia, emotional instability, fat gain, muscle loss, and water retention.
  • Low Testosterone Levels: Symptoms include lethargy, muscle loss, decreased confidence, and reduced libido.

Which SARMs Require a PCT?

Here’s a breakdown of the most popular SARMs and whether they require a PCT:

  • Ostarine (MK-2866): At doses up to 20mg for 8 weeks, Ostarine typically does not require a PCT. However, higher doses or longer cycles may necessitate one.
  • LGD-4033 (Ligandrol): LGD-4033 generally requires a PCT, even at low doses. Clinical studies show testosterone returns to normal within 21 days, but higher doses or stacking with other compounds may cause a more significant testosterone shutdown.
  • Cardarine (GW-50156): Not technically a SARM, Cardarine does not affect testosterone levels and therefore does not require a PCT.
  • YK-11: YK11 is a ground-breaking selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), and it does require a PCT.
  • MK-677 (Ibutamoren): MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue, not a SARM. It doesn’t affect testosterone levels, so no PCT is needed.


If you're unsure whether you need a PCT after your SARMs cycle, it's better to err on the side of caution. A proper PCT will help your body restore hormonal balance, prevent unwanted side effects, and support faster recovery.


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