Is Turkesterone a Steroid?

Is Turkesterone a Steroid?

Steroids are a class of drugs that have been used for decades to treat medical conditions and enhance athletic performance. They are also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of “designer steroids”, which are synthetic compounds that mimic the effects of AAS but have not been approved by the FDA. One such compound is turkesterone, which has become popular among bodybuilders and athletes. But is turkesterone a steroid?

What is Turkesterone?

Turkesterone is a plant-derived compound found in the root of certain species of the Ajuga Turkestanica plant. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and has recently gained popularity as an alternative to anabolic steroids due to its purported ability to increase muscle mass and strength without the side effects associated with AAS.

How Does Turkesterone Work?

Turkesterone works by stimulating the production of testosterone, which is responsible for muscle growth and development. It does this by binding to androgen receptors in the body, which then triggers a cascade of biochemical reactions that lead to increased testosterone production. This increased testosterone then leads to increased muscle mass and strength.

Is Turkesterone a Steroid?

The short answer is no; turkesterone is not a steroid. While it may have some similar effects on muscle growth and strength as AAS, it does not contain any hormones or other compounds that would classify it as a steroid. Instead, it works by stimulating natural processes within the body that lead to increased testosterone production. As such, it can be considered an “alternative” or “natural” form of muscle-building supplement rather than a steroid.


In conclusion, turkesterone is not a steroid but rather an alternative form of muscle-building supplement that works by stimulating natural processes within the body that lead to increased testosterone production. While it may provide some similar benefits as AAS, it does not contain any hormones or other compounds that would classify it as a steroid. As such, it can be considered safe for use by those looking for an alternative form of muscle-building supplement without the risks associated with AAS use.

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